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6Jul2023 SLE lorry skidded on lane 2 & took out 4 motorcyclists on lane 1
6Jul2023 SLE lorry skidded on lane 2 & took out several motorcyclists on lane 1
12jun2023 lorry skidded on lane 2 of the expressway & get hit by camcar
Lorry Skids & Collides With Multiple Motorcycles On SLE
21may2023 sle lorry speeding in the wet on lane 4 skidded into lane 3 & get tboned
7jun2023 lorry managed to swerve but motorcyclist skidded when p plate #SJN5947T lane change
Horrific Collision on SLE: Lorry Loses Control, Biker's Nightmare Unfolds!
14jul2023 pie #SMQ2179L mercedes 250 block tailgate, overtake dangerously on motorcyclist
Lorry skidded Happened on 5 October
12jul2023 AYE Malaysian truck lane change without due care. collided into honda civic #SJQ8360A
16jun2023 cte lorry ebrake , pulled left & flipped
9jul2023 driver lane change & cut off motorcyclist & brake